Life lessons on the way!!!
On the way to office got stuck in a huge traffic. It is uneasy to be part of the traffic and that too in the verge of starting the day. There stood the water tanker right in front our car. There were small stones on the road as the digging was happening few days back, which were the size of a small cork ball. As there were no signs of movement, I started to stare at the droplets of water through the nob of that tanker. These droplets were falling on these small stones which I saw earlier, they were straight under the bottom of the nob. As the droplets were falling from approximately a meter height, it had force. The physics in my mind vanished, but the philosophic mind was active. Few of the stones started reducing the size. May be they were just lumps of mud, few got broken- may be they were hardest mud lumps, but the few stones started shining in the sun rays, and they appeared very new. They were rock solid - rocks. There was still no movement in the traffic, and n...