It was a good day. Cloudy day and the day was filled with many activities. Many a time we think we are inside the home and are locked down and are not going out these days. But the new positive possibilities are hidden at this time. I am putting myself a few questions. Am I learning anything related to the field of my work? Am I giving my dedicated time to people in my world? Am I doing the things I have been hidden under the carpet many times? There are many more queries inside, are we giving a separate dedicated time for answering each query that we had within. Time to analyze and retrospect our own self. My day looked like this. Breakfast: Veg pullav Lunch: Had the same I made for breakfast as it was pending. Dinner: Chapathi, dum aloo, and pudina chutney. Dessert: Egg pudding Meditation: I did complete only the evening meditation session today. I had an important call at noon so I couldn't attend. Work out: Liking this time now. As I usually take up in the evening p...
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