One more normal day!!!

Oh! How soon the 6.15 am alarm strikes everyday.. I feel I had just slept. The mornings are the worst part of the day for a working women I would say. You prepare coffee, you make breakfast, you cook lunch, you pack the lunch box to yourself and for your spouse. The needles in the wall clock also revolves around you. You never realize how the time is utilized (many a times we consider time wasted without realizing).  This was one more normal day to office. I have removed the outlook setup in my mobile. Unnecessary irritation and unimaginable mobile bill, so full stop to both.

The never-go-green signals, the smoky dust, covered faces, never-give-you - a way vehicles all over the road. I battle all these to win my walk till the bus stop carrying my burden laptop and the mid day meal.I started liking the commutation in public transport.Getting into a Volvo bus is a project by itself. Different kind of people , different religion, different topic. Each individual have a different untold story. Luckily today I got the seat to sit. There was no space left for the bus to move due to heavy traffic. I was just noticing the crowd through the window. There were two more guys sitting in the two seats in front of mine. One looked like a IT professional, may be a manage material holding dell lappy bag. The other person looked like a fresher, a young fellow with a backpack and water red colored bottle on his hand. The younger one seemed in a hurry and was looking his watch by now and then. The bus was immovable; appeared it cannot cross the signal.

By now more people got into bus, all the seats were covered up. This younger person asked the manger material "Sir, How much time it will take to reach ITPL?" He told, seeing the traffic, it might take one more hour said the other. I was hearing this conversation but was looking out as if I was not paying attention. Younger one noticed his watch again and said "I need to report by 9;30".
Oh! new joinee?? which company??
"No Sir, I have to reach there for my exam"
This time, I was worried. I could feel what he was going through. I pitched into the conversation.
Where is the exam?
"Prestige Shantinikethan" said the boy
I could see the "Dell" employee tag round the neck of the manager material.
"Sir, Do you work for Dell?" - I asked.
Yes, came the answer.
We were about to reach BEML stop, time was 9.10 am , the boy had 20 more minutes to reach his venue.
"Can you take him through Kalyani Platina tech park which has a way till IGate office from there he can reach easily to his venue I asked the Dell guy".(Entrance to Kalyani Platina is only for the employees working for the companies present inside the tech park. Dell has its office there).
Oh! I forgot, I can take him said the Dell guy and asked this boy to get down and walk with him till Brookfield stop, then to take the auto towards his venue through Kalyani Platina.
Boy's face lit up.. He just stood up and asked for a selfie with him along with Dell guy. I was OK.
I wished him all the very best for his exams. But forgot to ask his number.
I felt relaxed after they got down the bus. Felt humanity is still within each one of us, it comes into action only if we ask for it by opening our mouth.

Thinking on the same matter, I was just analyzing "What had happened if the boy kept quite and had not talked?" . The people we see now are more into virtual world , they are immersed in their mobiles and completely unaware of talking to the other person. Forget about talking to known person. Exchanging words with an unknown person is next to impossible. We are blessed with all body parts to express ourselves, the crowd these days are trying to impress with the "cool" tag everywhere including gadgets, not knowing where it is leading to. We don't need to talk to everyone. The small gestures , may it be a smile, a "hello" , a "thank you"  or a "good morning" makes very big change. We should include ourselves for the part of this change, a change for better tomorrow!!!


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