Counting ON....

Those are the days
when we went to school hand in hand
I was the protector, carrying the lunch box
you were first made to climb the crowded bus
being an elder the only responsibility i had!!
still remember carrying you on my back
just to get the sweetest of kisses on my cheek
Kids we were and still are at heart
never realized we grew so fast
now having kids of our own!!
polished are our shoes when we get in school
dirtiest when we come back
pressed are the uniforms, crumbled as the day ended
never heard the complaints from our parents
things remained so neat again for the next day!
Even now , we fail at these , imagine what happens to our kids!!
The growing days we may missed another,
but never missed the heartiest attachment together
The holidays that reunited,
The exams where we managed using others pens
The food we shared, the money we saved
The lessons we learnt, the power we got!
We found our partners, we got hitched!
we had kids, life moved on..
but still exists that niche coherent bond
which doesn't need a day to celebrate
if at all it requires a celebration
I can spare my lifetime..
I can count on each second...

On Rakshabandhan day 2016 !


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