Is it ME??

Always wanted my mother's lap to sleep
Now my little one found that place in my lap
Is it the same ME??

Always fought with friends at school
Now wait for hours to talk to them
Is it the same ME??

Felt sad getting up at 8 on weekends then,
Getting up after 5 doubles the confusions now
Is it the same ME??

Read one complete year for an annual exam
I now don't complain winning many battles in a day
Is it the same ME??

A small wound on my fingers would gather my folks
I cook silently though my hands are burnt
Is it the same ME??

Waited for all the festivals to wear the new dress
though have money, no interest to get the nicest of clothes
Is it the same ME??

Sitting idle whole day, lied i was busy
I don't complain draining the whole day at office but to be cheerful to my kid
Is it the same ME??

Cried  the whole time for silly reasons then,
Swallowing the complex troubles , getting ready to face many
Is it the same ME??

Felt so much anger when my mom was missing when I wanted
Sitting with my kid  for long time when she asks for, keeping the other tasks to wait
Is it the same ME??

Mother - the very name squeeze a woman to pour maximum love
As they say "Being a woman is Human, being a mother is divine"!!!


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