Find the Passion!

You know my existence - the external ME!
Fitting into my shoes may show how worn out they are!
Yes, I traveled through much distance
much distance! with a baggage of disappointments!
People cheated, few misused my abilities and few discouraged,
That didn't stop me travel through!
Faced toughest of the situations, the problems never ending.
Problems find the path to those who face them, and I was graceful to receive,
They polished me, taught the lessons and made me what I am.
But, I am still mundane in my routine and the daily chores!
My true powers are still under ashes!
But I will raise, yes, I will raise like a phoenix combating all the barriers ,
breaking all the stereotypes to reach the new heights,
giving damn to the naysayers,
pushing all the odds, through all the circumstances
I will raise..Starting the crawl today,
crawling through the corridor in a week,
standing on my own by an year or more,
walking through the rough path for a while,
all left at the end is to sprint through my success,
feeling the air drying the sweat,
perseverance which soothing the mind,
my soul will fly with its wings open,
It takes just a seed to sprout, to become a tree producing more seeds to make a forest,
It just needs a spark to set the fire within to relaunch one
It just needs a little motivation to move forward..
Seek all these within !!
Listening to others could make you move few days,
The burning fuel within moves you lifetime,
Finding the passion, following it for my happiness being the sole reason.


  1. Challenges comes to only those who can face it and challenge them more very good writing from u🙂


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