Corona Lockdown - Day 1 - 25th March 2020

The pandemic is killing many across the world. We are all certain that this too shall pass and we will come out of it very soon. The whole country is locked down to combat this Chinese Corona Virus. When we look these days back few years from now, how do we tell our children what happened to country and how we survived. For that, I thought of penning down whatever happened day wise. Obviously I remembered Ann Frank when this thought came to my mind. She was just 13 years and she could write a complete day to day activities until she was alive, why not me when the lock down is only for few days or a month.

Day 1 - 25th March 2020.

Today is Ugadi day. Maid is not supposed to come, its a locked down time. Had to getup early. As seen my parents doing these festivals with much devotion, somehow I am aligned to this too. Sweeping and wiping the floor was a good morning exercise. washing the vessels was my arms workout. Rule number one for any festival from my mother is , not touching anything in kitchen until you take bath. After freshening up, the next thing is cooking and making Bevu Bella for this festival.
Mango rice or traditional Maavinkaayi Chitranna is a signature breakfast for Ugadi. Moog dal kheer or hesru beLe paaysa is the sweet dish to go and madethe sundal , in kannada we call it KadlekaaLu Usli. I had assumed that anyhow I will get the neem leaf from my brother's home as they can reach neem leaves from their balcony, but it was a locked down day, we should go out. My preparation on Bevu Bella got a full stop. However, had a good brunch to refuel the body for the rest of the day.

Not knowing what to do, was resting and watching some youtube vedios. Suddenly thought, why cant I make a timetable on what I should do on these 21 days of locked down period. Thought about all my forgotten hobbies and made a list of them. The list included Working out, Meditation, Reading, Cooking, Learning anything new, Music, Write and Clean home - either kitchen, wardrobe, TV unit or book shelves, any simple thing. Having read the book "Eat that Frog" by Brian Tracy , I felt good to list all these goals. Next was to put a check against each of them for today. Instead of  lying and looking into vedios in youtube started the below activities.

- Reading -  Read one chapter of the book Heartfulness  - The science of Spirituality
- Writing - Writing this, apart from that, tweeting some stuffs on ongoing things.
- Cooking - Had made above said breakfast, Remaining Chitranna for noon and curd and maggie for dinner :)
- Any new learning - there was my kid's flute , googled and got the basic swaras right. Not pro though, just tried something new, not sure if I still register the notes after a week.
-Music - I am fond of Isha music, usually I play when I cook or when I clean home..
-Cleaning home - Nothing beats cleaning Kitchen platform and arranging the washed utensils ( I hate it , but cant proceed cooking if all these things are scattered)
- Meditation - From today onwards, everyday at 12.00 PM sri sri RaviShankar Guruji was going live with 20 minutes of meditation, just joined that guided meditation to sooth my mind, just to clear the clutter. It was good.
- Working out - After a nap post lunch, the lazy evening turned interesting , did - 10 Lunges, 10 squats, 10 burpees, 10 knee pushups, 1.15 minutes of plank, 3 sets of surya namskar and pranayama to end.

 That was good and productive day.


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