Corona Lockdown - Day 15 - 8th April 2020

The day started with a strong mindset. This is the right time to learn , enhance the skills and get more things done as there is lot of time being at home. One thing I realized in this lock down - to live and survive we spend very very meager, to show it to the society and to match the standard and for the external materialistic stuffs we do spend much and later we crib about the earning! This is the right time for self introspection. Questioning the mind with basic question one get the answers. Brainstorming morning with all these thoughts juggling like Brownian motion inside my mind. The Gayathri Mantra playing in my Bluetooth speaker as I started preparing my morning tea made me relax a bit! May be from past 2 to 3 years I started playing either Mahamruthyunjay mathra or Om chanting or Hanumaan Chalisa in my morning. I must say, they do have some powers! Its all self belief. If you think you have powers you do have it all! Creative visualization should be the first thing. Visualize what you want to be, and go towards it in your actions! More of philosophy today :). Sometimes I take this mode and find tough to come out of it!!

My day went like this!

Breakfast: Dosai with potato masala ( Thanks to yesterdays batter refrigerated)
Lunch: Dry fruits and biscuits (wasn't hungry!! All eating and no much physical tasks make me lazy. Atleast need to walk around from tomorrow and climb stairs)
Dinner: Curd rice

That sums up my simple cooking for the day

Meditation: Did meditate both the time and it was good!

Work out: I did it in two sessions. Morning with suryanamaskaras and some aasanas, Evening with some knee pushups, varieties of planks, squats, inch worms and burpees!

Reading: I didnt read anything today!

Write: This is the only write up for the day, I am happy for it:)

New learning: I finished my content writing training in Udemy, started with French learning for beginners course! I know basics as I learnt for an year , time to revise, but it really feels good to pick up what I wanted to do pending from years!!

Cleaning: I am pro at it now! I will be doing it while in calls :).. Finally one of my onsite manager did ask if I am cooking while I was in call. I want to be real and that person was in all praise as I handled many stuffs not just multitasking in laptop but with cooking and with laptop  :) . Virtual pat on my back :) . Dusting and wiping of floor, washing utensils to cleaning kitchen and changing bed spreads! oops too much today. Getting up at 5.30 also  doesn't match my tasks these days!

Music: Its involved in whole day , but in specific I was amused by saxophone cover songs. This instrument is said to be heavier and used only for certain songs but to cover a song with this instrument takes time and hardwork. I am in awe with the Veena covers with Veena Srivani! She is awesome too. The way her eyes spark for each little modulations love to look for!  Need to check for any mandolin covers. Assume they might be full of energy :)

Apart from all these, I was watching the documentary released on 7th April on the Wuhan Corona Virus! It is worth watching for almost 50 minutes video to get to know what exactly is the virus and how it is mutated! I never know that there will be separate labs to culture virus as well. Good information. They way this video proves wrong in every step is commendable! The only hope is the humanity wins at the end!

Signing off!!


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