Corona Lockdown - Day 31 - 24th April 2020

Finally, its Friday! I needed a break. I like to write things down. I am not sure when I started writing other than academics related stuffs. I do have a notebook from my 8th grade where I had started writing a few poems and left it there. Then again in 11th grade where I had scribbled few and left it. My scribbling in all random books made me lose most of my work. During my college days had written many articles and poems in my personal diary, and I had lost it while shifting. After I started working, I used to type in a few things for someone on their birthday or anniversaries. I thought to give my writing a serious time in 2009. My writings were both in Kannada and in English. in 2014 I made my mind to write at least one story or an article or a poem in a month. My poems and articles were published in Kannada magazines as well. Writing for Times Of India - Write India Contest boosted my confidence and I did continue with my writing without looking back not worrying about the outcome. It feels good to read my old write-ups and sometimes I do wonder how my thought process was matured enough at a younger age. I am thankful for parents and teachers for supporting this hobby. My Kannada teacher was the one supported for the first time in 7th grade when I had won an essay competition. Good to look back to see where you have reached!

This is how my day went 

Breakfast: Puri and Aloo bhaji  ( I must tell - It had rained overnight and also in the morning. I woke up at 5 and went straight into balcony to feel that cool breeze. This was enhanced by the birds with their music and a cup of hot coffee. That's when I thought of making something good for breakfast for the cold morning)

Lunch: Rice, Rasam, and Fish cutlet

Dinner: Akki rotti with Gobi stir fry

Meditation: Took meditation both the times, at 12 PM, and at 7.30PM.  Its been one month I am practicing this.

Work out: 20 minutes of work out.

Cleaning: Kitchen cleaning before and after cooking to get into the ready stage for the next cooking takes much!

Music: Had tuned in to a few violin covers along with normal music.

New learning: I did motivate people using all the positive motivating techniques I know. Each one has a different corner which being tapped they would feel motivated. We need to understand that takes sometimes. Few will like talking about their hometown , some feel good when we talk about their hobbies and others on their skills and they get connect with the topics they like, and the transition from there to the next level takes few other techniques. I had tried all these to one of them and it hasn't worked. I had to try the negative motivating technique for the first time and to my surprise it worked and that too how? It did a wonder to even to the doer when the praising comes from everyone on the work. Finally that person thanks me for motivating. 

Read: I am continuing my book "Emotional Intelligence". Never heard existence of Amygdala in the brain, getting to know many things.

Write: This is the write-up, didn't write my journal as well.

These Fish cutlets from the Fresh To Home app is really good. Good appetizers. Emptied two packs within one week :)


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