Corona Lockdown - Day 25 - 18th April 2020

It was a lazy day! I was in a relaxing mode, being easier on myself. Its good to be in this mode for a few days after having lengthy productive days. Almost a month being inside the home. Its good to be in-home during this scorching sun out, but need that freedom to go to places, meet and greet people and be social as well. I hope the situation will be back in normal soon.

Today was an easier day!

Breakfast: Akki rotti with sorekayi playa its bottle guard in English
Lunch: Fruit salad (wasn't hungry at all)
Snack: Paneer roll with HesrubeLe payasam
Dinner: Just a glass of Haldi milk ( closed my nose and gulped. Milk and me are opposites)

Meditation: Took this both the times, didn't want to miss on weekends at least. This is the best part of the day.

Work Out: It was a nonstop 30 minutes work out, good to feel the sweat and the body feeling sour!

Write & Read: Read a few pages from other books. Nothing major in my writing yet.

Cleaning: Did clean the balcony grill, sprayed my plants and furniture are free from dust too.

New learning: Paneer roll that I made for the first time. Thanks to youtube video that I referred to.

Music: Today was more of music ranging from different genres of songs.


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