Corona Lockdown - Day 9 - 2nd April 2020

Thursday!!  Still Thursday! Feeling the days are not moving faster. But the mornings would always be kind of free when we work from , otherwise had to getup early cook for for lunch and breakfast , have to get ready to office. All these should move according to the needle of the clock. First thing I do is to go to my balcony where I can listen the chirping birds. Thanks to my neighbor who has kept their caged birds cage in their balcony. As they are also from Mysore, the conversation with that aunty will always be around missing Mysore. Now my work location got shifted to Balcony and these conversations are by stress relievers.

Must tell  how the day advanced. Having studied in a residential school for seven long years, the school whatsapp group has nearly fifty members. The topic was to remember the school teachers and their names. It was so nostalgic when each of them were sharing their version of the stories. Not just about their teachings, but how they behaved at the dormitory, or dining area or at their home, how the arguments turned up, sometimes how close these teachers  were and helped us when we missed our parents etc.. It was a good conversation as everyone were free. Thanks to lock down.

And my day goes like this.

Breakfast and Lunch: Bisi Bele Bath ( I made extra purposely to eat for lunch as well, Thursdays are more busier when it comes to calls, day would end by 8)

Dinner: Chapathi with Kadai Paneer (Thanks to milk delivering app which also delivers all diary products. My non -veg -loving taste buds are dead now. Need to wait for some more days)

That sums up my cooking for today.

Work Out: Not much work out today, but did 20 minutes of simple asanas, surya namaskara and pranayama.

Meditate: Did join both the sessions by Sri Sri Ravishankar Guruji . One at 12 and other one at 7.30 PM ( didnt take 7.30 call , postponed it for tomorrow) . These sessions were need of this hour. I see all the leaders who mastered spirituality are having the live meditation sessions. Sadhguru's live meditation is at 6.00PM and Daaji's meditation at 5.30 PM. People are actually utilizing these sessions as I see the number of joiners would be around 3000+ for the live session I join.

Read: I must say I couldn't read much, but did read few pages of the book. Should finish by this Saturday. Need to start with another one from Sunday.

Music: I am a all time fan of Kuldeep M Pai's songs. I love the way he is giving back the society of the work of all the Guru's we had through this generation kids. This youtube channel once started , will go in loop. Did listen to most of them.

Write: Not writing , this content is the only thing I am writing these days. 

New Learning: I was looking into the writing platform "Medium". Otherwise nothing major.

Clean home: This task now is only drilled down to kitchen as most of the time I stay either in my balcony to work or at kitchen to cook. In breakup with my TV :)


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