Corona Lockdown - Day 20 - 13th April 2020

Its been a good day! I completed most of the other tasks which were out of my list. Early office calls at 7 in the morning to late-night official calls till 9 were a bit hectic to start the week but made up for the long weekend!

I was watching one video received as a Whatsapp forward. Just reiterating the story to shortest its version.

A man was hunting a deer and the deer ran faster and escaped into the thick forest. This person gets stuck, unknowing the route to come back, he gets fierce to hunt that deer again and spends 3 days without any food. Later towards the end of the third day he sees an apple tree. He plucked one and starts eating. He thanks God, the tree, the apple, the earth, the soil and for himself for coming this way. Plucks the second one, still thanks for all the above-said ones. Plucks the next ones, the other ones. When he arrives at the 10th one, he wasn't actually thanking anyone, in fact - he starts throwing the ones he didn't like.

Similar to the above short story we all had that 10th Apple effect on us. As we are locked down, we are thanking that delivery boy who helps in getting us fresh vegetables. We are thanking our luck for the fruits we get. Thanking God for being healthy and this gratitude is has moved to an outer surface which was hidden so far for all the things that we had taken for granted. Shopping was fun, spending time in a movie hall was fun, spending lavishly in a resort was fun. The underlying things of food, water, shelter and health were taken for granted. The cycle had come to its downside to remind us of the things we had forgotten! Who in the Facebook say they have checked into a wonderful home with their family? Who in the social media put how comfortable they are in their pajamas at home? The point was clear. We all did spend very less for life but most of it went for the so-called "lifestyle"!!

Too much of the Gyan today :). But had these thoughts to be poured!

This is how my day went

Breakfast: Dosai with groundnut chutney
Lunch: Rice with Prawn masala ( No picture taken, understand my excitement :) )
Dinner: Akki roti with green gram palya

That was some focused cooking for Monday!

Work out: I don't say I did my 100%, but enough to check my list. Few easier asanas.

Meditate: Did join 30 minutes sessions for both the times at 12 and 7.30 PM

Read: Read one chapter from my new book. I must say this book takes a longer time. So tiny letters!

Write: This is my brief writing!

Music: I did listen to a few good old tracks.

New learning: I completed another unit of French lessons. Verbs were tough. Their conjugation with gender is tough to relate. The funnier part today was the video test where one French video with some dialogues will be played and you have to answer the questions. Their conversation speed is 10x of my understanding, but I am there. Answered at least 50% of them.

Clean home: Some level of cleaning of my kitchen shelves. It needs patience. I couldn't do it all. But going one by one!


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