Corona Lockdown - Day 24 - 17th April 2020

Finally my grocery arrived, I am stocked for the next one week. Thanks to those delivery guys who just keeps the package in front of your home and send just a message to collect it. Only a few grocery apps are working now. Few of the apps have stopped onboarding new users. Its been a month I have gone out of my home. Earlier we must have all felt aged, now at least I am getting used to this situation. Friday ends with many more officially calls till 8.30 PM. It feels good to do more of these tasks in less time but we wouldn't realize we were immobile at a place for a prolonged time. Short breaks are indeed needed to stretch ourselves.

My day looked like this.

Breakfast: Chapathi and Flat beans Palya ( I don't know this vegetable name in English! We call chapparada avrekayi . Need to ask my kid :) )

Lunch: Rice, Rasam, and Rava fish fry

Dinner: Lemon rice

Meditaion: Did take the evening session as I just had 15 minutes break

Write and Read: Nothing much

New Learn: I finished all the units but the conclusion part. I need to take the last test of this French course that would give me a certificate. I can at least understand a french dialogues when the video is played at  0.5X speed.

Music: Was listening to Kannada light classical, its good to listen to those old songs.

Cleaning: Just the basic stuffs, pushing most of the hard cleaning for tomorrow as its holiday.

Work out: Did start with the workout, within 15 minutes had some urgent discussion, couldn't continue.


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