Corona Lockdown - Day 17 - 10th April 2020

Long weekend doesn't have any meaning when you cannot go anywhere out!! Nothing so good about this Friday! yet another holiday! Talking over video calls has become a new socializing. As people stuck inside the animals and the birds are appearing on roads! It's good to see them like this rather in zoos. Sometimes I feel,  we - the Human beings are actual corona to mother earth and the actual virus is the antidote to take off the human freeing earth!

My day was done just right.

Breakfast: Chapathi with Tomato egg burji
Lunch: Lemon rice and Rice with dal palak
Dinner: Lemon rice and Ginnu (A kind of sweet which is actually made with the cow milk when it gives birth to the calf,  but to refill the craving I just beat one egg to foam and added a medium glass of milk, dissolved required amount of sugar and sprinkled elachi powder and kept this bowl in the cooker with water at the bottom of it in a low flame, take out after 15 minutes. Set it to cool. You get this gelly like milky sweetened milk and egg mix- out of words to explain it :), cut into pieces and eat - a healthy and yummy and easy dessert. Couldn't take a photo - was all excited to eat it.)

That summed up cooking for the day!

Meditation: Attended both the sessions of meditation!

Work out: Non stop 30+ minutes work out with increased counts of lunges, burpees, knee pushups, jumping jacks, inchworms, crunches, cat-cow and few asanas and pranayama to end.

Read: I am almost half done with the book I am reading, will be able to finish it by tomorrow.

Music: Heard the cutest song in Kuldeep M Pai's youtube channel where he is teaching a very small toddler the Bhagavadgitha verses! I wish we as kids learned it!

Write: Not many write-ups than this.

Clean home: The normal weekend cleaning of furniture and kitchen! As I not using wardrobe much not concentrating to clean that.

New learning: I did watch a few French videos to test my learning and answering a few questions, I wasn't bad at all. Feel good of the day!


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